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Brighter Future Message from Dom

A Brighter Future.

These words vaulted themselves into my mind one day in a moment when I was feeling like I was unsure of myself, unsure of what exactly I was doing with my life and unsure about humanity and the volatile state of the world we live in today. As human beings, we all have low points in our lives where we question everything and are truly shown how shocking and just plain difficult the world can be. But at the same time, our high times wouldn't be as extraordinary without the low times giving us a grand perspective on our lives and the world around us.

As I sit here and write this, so many things in the world as we know it are more beautiful and incredible than we've ever known. At the same time, so many things in the world are worse than we've ever seen in my lifetime. So much fear, anger, hate, insecurity, confusion and outright evil at its most boiling point. The list goes on and on. Human beings are fighting each other on so many different fronts, and in so many different ways, its honestly hard to keep up these days.

Music is a universal language where, no matter where you are from or what language you speak, everyone can feel moved by a song or a melody. Moved to tears without a word, a smile without seeing a thing, chills from head to toe without moving an inch of your body. We can express so many emotions through the language of music and i feel like its a neutral place in our world where people can come together and get on the same level emotionally no matter what their background is.

I think now more than ever, we need to come together and work towards a Brighter Future for us, for our children and for the human race as a whole. Every single human on this earth, no matter race, skin color, religion or any other difference, bleeds the same color blood. There are so many ways to turn things around by spreading positivity, love, acceptance and understanding. Love yourself, love those around you and be kind. We need each other more than ever and we need to stick together, work together and unite with each other to bring a Brighter Future to our world today.

Much love,


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